She want to spend her spare time in a productive manner and make extra money for her household budget. Weaving managed to do both. Nevenka’s products are completely unique and are made from cotton, linen and old yarn. They’re good for your health and comfortable to wear. Some of her products include: napkin, towels, tablecloths, paintings. curtains, ornamental bags, flags and plenty of other woven souvenirs. Weaving has taken Nevenka all the way to Paris where she and her traditional products represented the Zagreb County. In addition to weaving itself, she also holds weaving workshops. She demonstrated her knowledge to participants of popular TV show such as Farma, Seoska gozba and Kudovizija.
“I’d like to keep out weaving tradition alive and pass it on to new generations. I do everything by hand and use all kinds of ornaments. I love every part of the weaving process, but my favourite thing is when I get to hold a finished product in my hands– Nevenka explains.
Her son and husband are her support and help her out a lot. In the future Nevenka would like to dedicate all of her time to weaving and tradition. She would also like to furnish a larger space where she could display her work and put forward weaving workshops thereby preserving this trade and tradition.
„Želja mi je bila da se naša tradicija tkanja nastavi i prenese na nove generacije. Radim ručno i obrađujem čipkom, resama i ažurom. U izradi volim svaki dio, a najdraže mi je držati u rukama gotov proizvod u koji je, doslovno, utkano mnogo ljubavi“– objašnjava Nevenka.
Najveća su joj podrška sin i muž koji rado pomognu. Nevenkina želja za budućnost je da se u potpunosti može posvetiti tradiciji i tkanju. Uz to, voljela bi osposobiti i veći prostor u kojem bi mogla izložiti radove te održavati radionice tkanja za sve zainteresirane i tako očuvati taj zanat i tradiciju.