Zagreb Crafts

20 Dec

Zagreb crafts go all the way to Japan!

Autor ZagrebCrafts / Tagovi

A part of our Zagreb Crafts story has been included in the Japanese family-oriented entertainment TV show called “How do people around the world react when they’re shown a Japanese product worth five kuna”.

The show deals with particular aspects of the selected countries. Aside from geographical and urban particularities, the show emphasises the people, i.e. families and their lifestyle, tradition and culture. The show’s primary goal is to showcase a cheap Japanese product that can make somebody’s hectic life easier.

Director Miyata Kosuke chooses families whose stories illustrate their country’s particularities in the best way possible. Zagreb, Motovun and Dubrovnik were selected to represent Croatia. They filmed truffle hunters in Motovun, whereas a family living in the Old City which is protected by UNESCO was selected to represent Dubrovnik. In Zagreb they chose a single mother of three sons. One of them was in the process of emancipation so his mother opted for buying him a tie in Zagreb’s craft Kravata Zagreb. The tie is an item typical of both Zagreb and Croatia.

The show was aired by TV Tokyo on 28 November and it had 13 million viewers across Japan.

Mr Dominik Bušić of Epic Tours agency, which specialises in Japanese tourists, was contacted by the production company Rolling inc. They recognised the well-established tradition of Kravata Zagreb, which led them to include it in the project. This craft is a member of Zagreb Crafts. Consequently, Japanese tourists, many of whom have already fallen in love with Zagreb and the city’s crafts, have been become familiar with Zagreb Crafts.

“Japanese tourists are very polite, disciplined, curious and dynamic. When they visit a destination, they love to see, experience, taste and buy souvenirs as much as they possibly can.” Ties are one of the most sought after souvenirs. They love handicraft and hold it in high regard. In Zagreb they were blown away by the Licitar Heart, Šestine lace and toys”Mr Bušić told Zagreb Crafts.

He also added that the tie is the first thing that comes to their minds at the mention of Croatia and this is because they are very much aware of the fact that the tie is a Croatian invention. They’re also interested in how the tie came to be. The tie production process is also interesting and appealing to them. That’s why they’re more than happy to visit salon that enable them to have this one-of-a-kind experience.

“Japanese tourists usually say that the design of Croatian ties is too serious. That’s why I believe they would sell much better if they had brighter colours or “cuter” stripes”, says Mr Bušić laughingly. He also revealed that sharp-eyed Mr Josip from Kravata Zagreb immediately recognised the “quality” of the Japanese tie which sells for five kuna. The Japanese filming crew was greatly amused by his witty comments which were aired in the Japanese TV show.

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