Zagreb Crafts

01 Dec

Getting ready for a winter romance

Autor ZagrebCrafts / Tagovi

Handmade Cerovečki umbrellas with their continually increasing sales figures are a true standout seen against the backdrop of umbrellas being considered an expendable commodity.

They make a fabulous original present in all occasions and by making a purchase you’ll get a year-long guarantee. They’re ideal for a romantic stroll in autumn or winter. Their long duration is due to the fact that they’re made from quality polyester, sateen and cotton with a firm handle made from chestnut and bamboo. Tomislav Cerovečki went to great lengths to use impregnated thread and corrosion-resistant metal wires in order for you to be able to rely on the umbrellas’ quality. The fact that three umbrellas have been bought through the Zagreb Craft catalogue and shipped off to the United States is the best illustration of how popular his umbrellas are.

As the weather gets colder, we take our winter head coverings out of our wardrobes in addition to the must-have umbrellas. Hatmaker’s shop Cahun is the go-to place if you’d like to buy colourful wool hats with bobbles. The hats are handmade, which will ensure that they last for years. All of the coverings are made using wooden and aluminium moulds. Rabbit hair is the most commonly used material because it works best in all weather conditions. Josipa Cahun offers all kinds of head coverings. Popular berets will never go out of style and they make an excellent choice in the months to come.

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